Wallpaper or Paint
If your significant other is anything like mine, any time I bring up the idea or even say the word ‘wallpaper,’ his ears instantly shut. I have dreamt of adding the perfect wallpaper to my powder bath or finding just the right pattern to make him change his mind (Where can I find a Vikings wallpaper!) The tough part is, wallpaper has a bad wrap, pun intended. For years people covered their entire houses with wallpaper and with the removal of old wallpaper being such a painstaking task, piece by piece, the thought of adding new wallpaper is not even an option. I’m here to help you decide when it’s actually worth adding wallpaper to your space -or when you should just grab a can of paint.
The first thing to ask yourself is where do you want to use wallpaper? Is it in your mudroom, kids room or bathroom? In that space, will the wallpaper make a statement and will guests notice? What will it add to the look and feel of your home? Wallpaper can add texture, visual interest, style, can change the tone of a space, the list goes on and on. It can drastically change your space in a design sense, but with all the advancements in wallpaper design, it can add much more and I will get to that in a bit. Here are some of our favorite examples of how wallpaper can add visual interest to your space (click on the images to see more images of these beautiful spaces):
The next thing to consider is durability. Paint can chip and become dirty in high traffic areas. Wallpaper can now be cleaned and holds up to wear and tear, it’s like to adding one more layer of protection to your wall. One benefit of paint, is you can touch up areas as needed over time. If considering using wallpaper in a mudroom, consider a commercial grade wallpaper for greater durability. These textured wallpapers shown below offer different levels of durability:
Lastly, cost is a big determining factor in whether you should choose wallpaper or paint for your space. Consider the durability of wallpaper vs paint and the time and expense of paint touch ups over time. If your considering adding a fun pattern to your space, such as a floral or geometric, you can save on wall decor!
If your considering using wallpaper, remember to choose the locations wisely to maximize your budget. Accent walls, entry spaces and powder bathrooms are great locations to add that wow factor to your home.